Bryan & Olivia


A transparent USG is an effective USG. If elected, we will commit to open and honest forms of communication with all undergraduate students. We will open USG’s doors and encourage students to ask questions, share concerns, and become more involved in student government.

In order to facilitate open and regular communication, we will commit to weekly updates summarizing the accomplishments of USG and what we have done to improve the student experience. We believe everyone deserves a voice, and we will ensure our voices are heard through the support and collaboration with the various cultural centers.
Increasing club funding is an effective way to improve the student experience. Independent student organizations should have abundant resources to accomplish their own missions.

The face of the Undergraduate Student Government should accurately represent the face of the undergraduate community. We will work to diversify our team and our programs to serve students of all backgrounds at UConn.
We are looking forward to hearing student’s voices, ushering in positive change, and renovating student government for the better. This is only possible with your support and your vote.