The Senate, led by Kyle Lowry, is responsible for authoring legislation and carrying out initiatives aimed at addressing concerns of the student body.
The legislative branch of student government is the Student Senate. The purpose of the Student Senate is to represent the views and ideas of the 19,000+ students at the University of Connecticut.
The Senate is composed of over 57 senators, each serving a one-year term. Every student at UConn is represented by multiple senators. The Residential and Commuter represent students by their geographic living areas on or off campus and the Academic senators represent academic colleges within the university.
Residential and Commuter seats are elected each Fall, and academic seats are elected each Spring. Additionally, there are also Multicultural and Diversity Senators that are elected at large.
Interested in running for Senate?
Senators represent various constituencies including Academic Schools/ Colleges, Residential/Commuter Communities, & Multicultural/Diverse populations. Senators are eligible to receive academic credit for their participation.
Kyle Lowry
Meeting Time:
Senate meets Wednesdays @6:30 pm
SU 330 bi-weekly