USG's Organization Support Services (OSS) Staff provides Active Tier II Organizations with specialized services to help meet the needs and responsibilities of their organization.
Printing Policy
RSOs are permitted 200 free copies in Black and White or 100 copies in Color, per event/week.
The following are examples of items permissible for printing:
- Agendas and Minutes
- Constitutions and By-laws
- Election Ballots for Organization Use Only (NO Political Flyer of any kind)
- Programs and Event put on by non-profit organization
- Monthly Calendars
- Telephone/ e-mail lists
Should your RSO need more than the max printing amount please email: ossdirector@usg.uconn.edu for an exemption.
USG's Organization Support Services provides student groups with specialized services to help meet the needs and responsibilities of their organization.
Meeting Space Policy
Reserve the USG's Conference Room
No reservation needed to utilize USG's Student Body Lounge in SU 218
*RSOs who fail to return the space to its original state may not be permitted to utilize the space*
USG's Organization Support Services provides Active Tier II Organizations with specialized services to help meet the needs and responsibilities of their organization
Storage Locker Policy
RSOs are eligible to sign out a locker, lockers are available on a first come, first serve basis. Lockers may be reserved by going to SU 218 during business hours or by filling out the OSS Locker Request Form.
Lockers are located in SU218 and on the fourth floor of the Student Union. Storage lockers are for the storage of items and/or equipment pertaining to the RSO
RSOs may access their lockers during business hours by visiting the OSS desk in SU 218. RSOs who wish to obtain a key for locker access outside of business hours should contact ossdirector@usg.uconn.edu for more information.
USG's Organization Support Services (OSS) provides student groups with specialized services to help meet the needs and responsibilities of their organization.
Mailing Policy
RSOs who wish to have mail delivered to the OSS Staff should use the following address template:
Your Organization's Name
c/o Student Organization Center
2110 Hillside Road U3061
Student Union Room 218
Storrs, CT 06269
RSOs are responsible for retrieving their mail within two weeks of notification. In the event that mail is not retrieved within the two week period, the OSS Staff reserves the right to open such mail and do as they see fit including but not limited to disposing of it. If a representative from your organization cannot pick up the mail within the two week period, please contact oss@usg.uconn.edu to arrange a pick-up appointment.
SOC services are availabile in SU 218:
Day(s) | Open | Close |
Sunday | - | - |
Monday | 10:00 am | 4:00 pm |
Tuesday | - | - |
Wednesday | 10:00 am | 4:00 pm |
Thursday | 10:00 am | 4:00 pm |
Friday | - | - |
Saturday | - | - |