Office of the Comptroller

Image of Comptroller Sydney Whittaker


Sydney Whittaker

Year: Senior

Major: Molecular and Cell Biology

Minor: Business Fundamentals


Sydney is a senior molecular and cell biology major, with a minor in business fundamentals. She oversees USG’s budget, inventory management, and Tier II funding. She advocates to ensure student activity fees are appropriately used to serve the needs of the student body. Prior to this role, she was the Food Insecurity Advocacy Coordinator for the Student Services Committee, focusing on nutrition education and advocating for consistent, healthy food access for all students. Sydney has been involved in Creating Caring Communities and Red Cross Club. Outside of USG and academic life, she enjoys tumbling and running. Please reach out to her if you have questions about the USG budget or Tier II funding!

Image of Fiscal Manager

Fiscal Manager and Deputy Comptroller

Josh Schulman

Year: Senior

Major: Electrical Engineering


Image of Funding Supervisor Bryan Bussolari

Funding Supervisor

Bryan Bussolari

Year: Senior

Major: Political Science


Image of Assistant Supervisor - Funding Staff Conner DeLaubell

Assistant Supervisor – Funding Staff

Conner DeLaubell

Year: Senior

Major: Corporate Finance

Conner is a senior with a concentration in corporate finance. He has been with the funding staff at USG for 4 semesters. Conner is looking forward to fine-tuning the funding process as one of the assistant supervisors to ensure all clubs get access to funding. Outside of USG, he is pursuing a career in financial advising, investment management, and banking. Conner enjoys golfing and traveling in his free time.

Image of Funding Staff Avery Fletchner

Funding Staff

Avery Fletchner

Year: Senior

Major: Economics

Minor: Political Science

Avery is a senior studying economics and political science. Avery enjoys providing for her peers and wants to go into politics one day, hence why, she provides club funding and holds a seat in the senate. As a part of USG, Avery hopes to make everyone’s experience at UConn one to remember. Outside of USG, Avery is a part of several organizations including Club Lacrosse, Knit for Nicu, and Women & Minorities in Economics along with Interning for the Governor of Connecticut.