Office of the President

USG President Lorien Touponse


Lorien Touponse

Year: Senior

Major: English


Lorien is a senior English major and a Women Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor. She is also in the Special Program in Law at UConn. She started USG as the Deputy Director of External Affairs focused on budgetary issues at UConn. Then she was hired as the Director of Student Services and worked to promote access to menstrual products on campus and reformat the way Student Health and Wellness advertises their amazing resources.

This year Lorien hopes to increase transparency within USG and within the UConn administration and promote student voices in important University spaces.

Vice President

Arunima Chaturvedi

Year: Senior

Major: Psychology

Minor: Political Science


Arunima is senior at UConn majoring in Psychology with a minor in Political Science. Her academic journey is deeply rooted in advocating for minority populations, a passion that drives much of the research she undertakes. This advocacy is not just limited to her academic work; it also plays a central role in her responsibilities as Vice President of Student Government. In this role, she strives to ensure that the voices of underrepresented groups are heard and that our campus remains an inclusive space for all students. Whether she’s working on policy changes, organizing events, or collaborating with other student leaders, her commitment to social justice and equity is always at the forefront.

She aspires to pursue a PhD in Psychology, where she plan to delve deeper into this research and continue her advocacy on a larger scale.

Beyond her academic pursuits and involvement in student government, she enjoys staying active, trying new foods, and spending quality time with friends. She takes great pride in her Indian heritage, and she loves celebrating her culture. Although she’s originally from New Hampshire, she carries her cultural roots and the vibrant energy of her community wherever she goes.

Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff

Ahmad N. Al Zouabi

Year: Junior

Major: Chemical Engineering


Ahmad has been in USG fro 3 years. He served as a Senator of both North and McMahon,  Deputy Director for External Affairs, and now Chief of Staff! He is a passionate advocate for fighting food insecurity and his favorite initiative was working to provide hot food for students during Ramadan.

After college, Ahmad hopes to be a pharmaceutical or renewable energy engineer!