Andy Zhang


Hello! My name is Andy Zhang and I am a sophomore Economics and Environmental Science major. As a current student ambassador for this college, I’ve had the privilege of learning more about the college on a deeper level as well as forming connections with higher administration. As a student senator, I hope to utilize those connections and information to foster collaboration on key issues that we face to create tangible change.
Empowering student voices is strongly important to me, and I am dedicated to implementing initiatives that ensure every student feels heard and represented. I believe an inclusive approach to decision-making is critical as the problems we are trying to solve affect many different community stakeholders.
In addition to my commitment to empowering student voices and fostering collaboration, I am particularly passionate about sustainability. I recognize the urgency of addressing environmental challenges now and if elected as your student senator, I will advocate for sustainable practices and initiatives that contribute to a greener and more resilient college community.
Thank you for your time! If you have any questions, feel free to reach me