
What do Residential Senators do?

The Undergraduate Student Senate has 35 residential seats which are apportioned between each residence hall complex and commuter students, with each group having at least one seat. Residential Senators are elected by their residential community early in the Fall semester, and serve a one year term through the following Fall. In between elections, students can be appointed to vacant residential Senate seats by the Speaker of the Senate.

Any students interested in filling a vacancy or running in an upcoming election are encouraged to reach out to the Speaker of the Senate (speaker@usg.uconn.edu) for more information.


Name: John Guthrie

Title: Hilltop Apartments Residential Senator

Email: hta@usg.uconn.edu


Name: Dana Ferretti

Title: Hilltop Apartments Residential Senator

Email: hta@usg.uconn.edu