Yasemin Eksioglu

Yasemin Eksioglu


Hello everybody! My name is Yasemin Eksioglu, and I couldn't be more excited to run for one of the Multicultural & Diversity Senate positions. Being a Dominican-Turkish Muslim in CLAS, I can fully understand and attest to the importance of proper representation and the effectiveness of different opinions and views. Every student on this campus, regardless of their culture, race, or religion, deserves to have an opinion that gets listened to and respected, and that's all part of the reason I am running. Many decisions are being made much too often without consulting the people whom the decision actually affects directly, and I want to help this change. A big goal of mine would be bridging these gaps and pushing for an initiative that gives opportunities to those underrepresented; it would certainly be an honor to represent you all. I don't want to make diversity just a term but part of our core principles. UConn is all about being a place that supports and empowers everyone. If I were to be elected, I would like to work on the promise to amplify student voices and stand in support of inclusivity by creating room for significant, expansive conversations.