Funding FAQ

Welcome to the Funding FAQ

What is Huskybuy and why are vendors required to complete a profile on it?

Answer: HuskyBuy is a site that we utilize to verify that your vendor is running a legitimate business. Any and all vendors who are completing a contractual service for you, that USG is paying for, needs to complete the HuskyBuy profile. In addition, any vendors whose services result in USG spending a large sum of money (in the thousands) need to also complete a HuskyBuy profile. We also find it easier to set up vendors in HuskyBuy when we purchase from them frequently as well.

In order to set a vendor up with a HuskyBuy profile, we need a first name, last name, and email for your vendor. For help setting up their profile they can reach out to +1 860-486-2289 or 

What is the difference between a Funding Decision and Funding Approval?

Answer: A Funding Decision occurs after your request has been voted on by the Funding Student Staff. When your organization receives an email that includes what the Funding Student Staff has decided to fund your request at (whether that be Fully Funded, Partially Funded, or Not Funded), that is a Funding Decision. Funding Approval occurs after your request receives 3 signatures: the USG President's, the USG Comptroller's, and the Trustee Student Organization Support's. It is only at this time that your funding is approved.

What are the types of ways I can pay an Invoice?

Answer: You can transfer money from your group's bank account at Business Services (SABS) to USG, or pay through marketplace with a credit card.

Why do I have to pay an Invoice?

Answer: If your funding request is not Fully Funded, your organization will be invoiced for the remainder of the cost USG does not fund. This is because we need to ensure that full payment is given to the suppliers (or vendors) from USG. Additionally, organizations are held responsible for a portion of their request and it enables USG to provide funding to more organizations.

Can you earn revenue as a Tier-II organization?

Answer: Any Tier-II organization is free to earn revenue; HOWEVER, if your organization is requesting funding and the event will be generating revenue, you will be unable to receive USG funding.

Can a Tier-II Org be reimbursed by USG?

Answer: USG is only able to provide reimbursements for travel such as mileage, airfare, and hotel. Any other form of reimbursement is prohibited. Please note that although the request is a reimbursement, it must still be submitted 6 weeks before the event.

What documents are needed for Reimbursements?

Answer: In order to get properly Reimbursed we need a receipt from the vendor that shows the amount paid, the date paid, and the form of payment. If you paid by cash, we do not require anything else. If you paid by check, we need a copy of the check. If you paid by credit card, we need a copy of the credit card with everything blurred out but the last four digits and the name on the card. If you paid by credit card and the receipt from the vendor does not show the last four digits of the card, we need a copy of your credit card statement that shows that the transaction occurred. We also require a list of attendees containing who attended the trip.

Additionally, in order to get properly Reimbursed for Airfare, USG requires original boarding passes for every student that went on the trip, so be sure to keep all the boarding passes from each flight!

Can I email Reimbursement Documents or must I drop them off?

Answer: Yes, documents may be emailed to the email after the RSO has attended their trip.

What is a Letter of Intent?

Answer: A Letter of Intent is a form that is filled out by a coach/service provider - find it on the Funding Resources page.

Who fills out the Letter of Intent?

Answer: The coach/service provider fills out the Letter of Intent, NOT the group.

Does my coach need to sign any paperwork or a contract?

Answer: If your coach/service provider's fee is $2,500 or greater, we will create a Personal Service Agreement (PSA), a contract, that they will sign.

What if my vendor works for UConn or the State of CT?

Answer: If your vendor is either a UConn or State of CT employee, they will need to contact the Office of Compliance. Their position as a coach/service provider may need to be put out for a public bidding process called a "Request For Proposal" (RFP). If that is the case, your request will need 4-6 weeks extra time for processing by the Funding Student Staff.

What paperwork does my coach needs before coaching begins?

Answer: Your coach needs either a fully-executed Personal Service Agreement (if their fee is $2,500 or greater) or a USG Purchase Order (if their fee is less than $2,500) in hand before coaching begins. If coaching begins before either of these documents are given to your coach, funding may be in jeopardy.