Lorien & Arunima

Lorien & Arunima together


Lorien Touponse is a junior English major with a minor in WGSS, preparing for a career in law. Lorien has extensive experience as a results-driven executive in USG. Her current work as Director of Student Services provides key insights into understanding the issues faced by students throughout the University. Her department spearheads successful initiatives to combat mental health, sexual health, and food insecurity. Most notably, Lorien organizes Period Box, USG's free menstrual product initiative, which provides over 400 students with a 6-month supply of menstrual products each semester. Her goals as President center on creating a more equitable, unified, and empowered UConn community by prioritizing and amplifying student voices within USG spaces and calling on our administration to put students first.
Your Voice, Your Future: Putting Students at the Heart of Progress


Arunima Chaturvedi is a junior Psychology major and a Political Science Minor with aspirations to a career in law. Arunima has been elected to the Senate since her first year and currently serves as the Parliamentarian. She has authored critical pieces of legislation targeting sexual assault, while advocating for works ranging from combating the housing crisis to addressing campus safety and diversity. Her effort as parliamentarian has been to empower students to use their voices as vital members of the UConn community. Arunima’s goals reflect her personal aspirations to foster student engagement, represent student interests, and enhance communication between students and administration.