Lorien Touponse
Lorien is a senior English major and a Women Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor. She is also in the Special Program in Law at UConn. She started USG as the Deputy Director of External Affairs focused on budgetary issues at UConn. Then she was hired as the Director of Student Services and worked to promote access to menstrual products on campus and reformat the way Student Health and Wellness advertises their amazing resources.
This year Lorien hopes to increase transparency within USG and within the UConn administration and promote student voices in important University spaces.
Email: president@usg.uconn.edu
- President
- Vice President
- President’s Chief of Staff
- Comptroller
- Deputy Comptroller
- Director of Tier II Funding
- DEI Manager
- Chief Diversity Officer
- Deputy Chief Diversity Officer
- Speaker of the Senate
- Chief Justice
- Academic Affairs Director
- External Affairs Director
- Student Services Director
- Communications Director
- Vice President’s Chief of Staff