Tae’Niajha Pullen
Tae’Niajha Pullen is a senior studying Africana studies with a minor in Anthropology. She previously served as the African American Cultural Centers ex-officio senator and now serves as the Chief Diversity Officer. With a strong passion for equity and civil rights, she has actively been involved in various capacities to create a safe and inclusive community through her efforts to reach, support, and engage with underrepresented students and organizations. Through serving as the Chief Diversity Officer for the Undergraduate Student Government she has been able to collaborate with the greater UConn Community to ensure equity for students on our campus. Outside of USG she is involved in UConn’s newest living and learning community, BSOUL. She is president of the Black UConn Collective, Director of Black Female Development Circle and in these roles she has strived to create spaces on campus where students are empowered to challenge the status quo and demand a more diverse, equitable, just, and inclusive environment. In my free time she enjoys traveling, reading a good book or binge watching documentaries.
Email: diversity@usg.uconn.edu
USG Members
- President
- Vice President
- President’s Chief of Staff
- Comptroller
- Deputy Comptroller
- Director of Tier II Funding
- DEI Manager
- Chief Diversity Officer
- Deputy Chief Diversity Officer
- Speaker of the Senate
- Chief Justice
- Academic Affairs Director
- External Affairs Director
- Student Services Director
- Communications Director
- Vice President’s Chief of Staff